Our Staff

United Way of Fort Smith Area is a volunteer driven organization with the United Way staff supporting this structure. A local volunteer board of directors governs the United Way. The Allocation Council is made up of board members and volunteers who are responsible for ensuring that our donors’ gifts are invested wisely in our communities. Teams examine our community partners and ensure that all agencies meet accountability standards of United Way membership. They make informed decisions on how your gifts can make the most impact in our area. The United Way and community partners are good stewards of your money.
The Community Impact Team consists of board members and community volunteers who determine funding of programs and services. In addition to United Way being an effective and efficient fundraiser, its role as a conduit for community solutions has become increasingly more important.
The staff works to support the United Way mission: to improve lives by connecting people and resources in our six-county area.
Shea Foldvary
President and CEO
Mitzy Little
Marketing Director
Angie Ruth
Director of Finance and Administration
Maddie Stojanovic
Resource Development Director
Mary-Kate Wewers
Community Impact Coordinator