The Community Investment Process

United Way of Fort Smith Area is dedicated to fostering a thriving community through strategic investments in local nonprofit agencies. Each year, United Way carefully distributes funds to 31 partner agencies through its Community Investment Process. This volunteer-led process involves a meticulous review and evaluation of funding requests from partner agencies, allowing United Way to assess the impact and efficiency of each program.

On average, 60 volunteers from the community, including individuals with diverse professional backgrounds and expertise, are integral to this process. Being volunteer-led, the process remains transparent and reflective of the community’s priorities. This transparency helps ensure that donor dollars are spent responsibly and efficiently, delivering tangible benefits to the most vulnerable populations throughout Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma.

Community Investment volunteers work alongside United Way staff and the Board of Directors to ensure the allocation of funds aligns with the most pressing needs of the community and delivers the greatest impact. United Way ensures that decision-making is open, unbiased, and rooted in a collective understanding of local challenges. This process not only supports critical local programs but also fosters accountability and trust within the community. Furthermore, the engagement of volunteers creates a sense of ownership and pride, strengthening the bond between United Way and the six-county community we serve.

United Way of Fort Smith Area remains committed to collaboration and continuous improvement throughout this process. This careful stewardship of resources demonstrates United Way’s unwavering commitment to creating a vibrant and resilient community for all residents.

If you are interested in volunteering to join the Community Investment Process, please contact us.

United Way Fort Smith Area

120 N 13th St
Fort Smith, AR 72901

(479) 782-1311